How 2 Get Here
How 2 Get Here
The most convienent way to get from Puerto Rico to Vieques Island is flying from San Juan International airport (SJU), the other option is to take a taxi to the ferry dock and then a passenger ferry to Vieques Island.
The most convienent way to get from Puerto Rico to Vieques Island is flying from San Juan International airport (SJU), the other option is to take a taxi to the ferry dock and then a passenger ferry to Vieques Island.
By Air
By Air
The travel time from San Juan International Airport (SJU) to Vieques Island is appoximately 25 minutes and you need to check in 30-45 minutes before flight. The cost is approximately $125 per person (one way). This is by far the easiest and most convienent way to go.
Insider Tip: You can also take a 10 minute taxi from San Juan International (SJU) to Isla Grande Airport (SIG) for approx. $20. The flight from Isla Grande Airport to Vieques is approximately $85 per person(one way). So if you are travelling alone or staying overnight in San Juan the cost to get to Vieques would be around $105.By Sea
By Sea
A taxi (publico) or car service from SJU to Ceiba Ferry Terminal is approximately $100-$150 (one way). It takes 1 hour and is the same price for 1-2 people, after that it is an additional $5 per person.
The ferry from Ceiba to Vieques Island is $2 per person (one way). The boat ride to Vieques takes 1 hour. You need to be there 1 hour in advance to purchase a ticket, lines can be long and ferries can be delayed due to weather, etc.
You should know: In cases where the ferry does not have sufficient seating the local residents will have boarding preference. Should you not make it on the ferry Ceiba airport is near the ferry terminal. A flight from Ceiba to Vieques is approximately $35, flight time 7-10 minutes.